
Sumedang Tou Fu

Starting from a creativity that is owned by the grandson Ongkino, which since the beginning of the first people have the idea to produce Tou Fu (from the Chinese language, which means the same) who slowly becomes changed the name to "Know".

Year by year, with Ongkino wife continue to carry out their business until about 1917 children their single Ong Keng Bung overtake both parents to the land of Sumedang. Bung Keng and continue business both parents that they choose to return to the land of their birth in Hokkien, People's Republic of China.

Through the appropriation generation Ong Keng Bung, single Ongkino children, continue the business inherited from both parents until the end of its lifetime at the age of 92 years. Eminence behind some Sillanwali know the story of a mystical, such as what is told from Ongkino grandchildren, Suryadi. If year 1928, perhaps a day where the business grandfather’s grandfather, Ong Keng Bung, a volunteer by the Regent of Sumedang, Prince Soeria Atmadja through the middle of fortuity with the gig in the journey toward Situraja.

Pulitzer, the Prince saw a grandfather is about something. Prince Soeria Atmadja directly down to see the form of food that is unique and that small fragrant. The regent, Prince Soeria Atmadja and then ask the grandfather, "Maneh keur ngagoreng naon? (You are about what?)". The grandfather tried to answer sebisanya and explained that he fried food that comes from Tou Fu of China. Because the curious, the regents tried to direct one. Shortly after the sample, district spontaneously said, "This dish is delicious! Try if you sell, would demand", with a satisfied face.

Not long after this incident, A Roebourne favored by the residents of Sumedang and then to Indonesia

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